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Type For Cargo/For Passenger
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Product Details

The factory has over 40 years experience in producing both two-wheel and three-wheeler clutches.
With various of mass-manufacturing equipments and QC inspection instruments,the annual producation capacity can reach 3 millions sets of clutches, moreover, 95% of the key parts can be produced by themselves.

The products will undergo four steps of QC prcedures:

Step 1: Parts Inspection
To inspect the parts according to the technical standads: Size, Hardness, Strength, Physical and Chemical Analysis,etc.
Step 2: Strict Assembling Process
Washing and cleaning the parts before assembling, and assemble the parts striclty based on the optimized technological process
Step 3: Performance Test
Key performance test after assembling, like Balancing Test, Pulsation Measurement, Rotation Speed Test, ect
Step 4: Random Test
Radom test before delivery

Besides the strict QC procedures, the professional R&D team and stable front line working teams also guarantee the quality and products cosistency effectiely.
Nowadays, many famous brands in China, like Haojue, HONDA(China),DAYANG, ZONGSHEN, LOCIN, KTM(China), HAOJIN, DAYUN are using the clutches on their own two-wheel and three-wheels.

The Clutches covers all the current main models for Chinese three-wheelers. Please don’t hesitate to inform us of your specific demands.

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