How to Marketing Your Tricycles in Low Seasons?

How do you think your current tricycle business in the low season? Instead of just sitting there waiting for the customers, why not making an agressive but not costly markeing?

1. Brochurse

No need of  luxury style for the brochures. In this Internet era, besides the necessary information like shop name and phone number, a convenient access to your on-line shop is the most important, in which way the customers can browse your products easily after working. In the morning(7:00-8:00am), noon(12:00-13:00), afternoon(17:00-18:00), you can hand out the brochures in crowded places like markets, schools and neighborhoods. However, the bad thing is that it’s not suitable under the convid-19 situation.

2.Posters and Wall-Painting

The mechanics’ shop is a good place to show your posters, and restaurants, tea shops, farming products markets , neighborhoods are also good places.

Moreover, painting on the walls is also an impressing way of advertisement.


With a good slogan, it can work well. Just remember to show it on the main junctions or on the way of main roads.

3. Social Media

This is the most ecnomic but also most efficient way. Set up your online-shop, and add as many as possible friends in all possible ways. Just issue regularly intersting posts, like articles about tricycles knowledges, small promotions, vedios, to get their interest in your shop. The more interacts with your potential customers, the more chances you can get their trusts slowly.With the trusts, you can make good sales.