The shaft forging process is a manufacturing method used to produce shafts with superior strength, durability, and reliability. It involves shaping and forming a solid metal billet into the desired shaft shape through the application of heat and pressure.


Billet Preparation: The process begins with the selection of a suitable metal billet, typically made of steel or other alloy materials. The billet should have sufficient dimensions to accommodate the final shaft shape.

Heating: The billet is heated in a furnace to a temperature above its recrystallization temperature but below its melting point. This temperature allows the metal to become more malleable and facilitates deformation during the forging process.

Agricultural machinery lifting arm

Forming: Once the billet reaches the desired temperature, it is transferred to a forging press or hammer. There are two primary forging methods used for shaft production:

a. Open-Die Forging: In open-die forging, the heated billet is placed on a stationary anvil, and repeated blows from a hammer or press deform the metal into the desired shape. The operator guides the deformation by moving the billet between strikes to achieve the desired dimensions.

More detailed information about the shaft forging process can be accessed by clicking: https://www.gold-emperor.com/shaft-forging-process/