With the development of society, the requirements of environmental protection for various industries are getting higher and higher. For calcium hydroxide production enterprises, the requirements for environmental protection are also improved. We know that the current production of calcium hydroxide is generally It is completed by using a complete calcium hydroxide production line, and for the current new calcium hydroxide equipment, the configuration is relatively complete, and the requirements for environmental protection are also improved a lot.

At present, the demand for calcium hydroxide calcium powder in society is relatively large. The calcium hydroxide production line is determined by the dry production process of calcium hydroxide equipment used for calcium hydroxide calcium powder. Ca The main advantage of the dry process of calcium hydroxide equipment is that it can achieve fully automatic production, the production process is environmentally friendly, the output is large, the quality is stable, the calcium hydroxide product produced has no impurities, good activity and other advantages, a wide range of use, convenient storage and transportation.

GFX Stepped Calcium Hydroxide Production Line

The traditional calcium hydroxide production line has low production efficiency, high energy consumption, and a large amount of flue gas emissions. Therefore, as equipment manufacturers, they are actively innovating, and all the supernatural powers are developing calcium hydroxide equipment in the direction of energy-saving production. The environmentally friendly calcium hydroxide production line produced by our company has been accumulated for a long time in actual use, and customers have really felt it. Advantages of using environmentally friendly calcium hydroxide production line.

1. Produce diversified products to meet the needs of customers in various industries. The environmentally friendly calcium hydroxide production line we use can produce calcium hydroxide with specifications of 3T/h, 6T/h, 10T/h, 15T/h, and 20T/h. These calcium hydroxide specifications meet the needs of most customers. This also increases our customer base.

Details can be accessed by clicking here:https://www.ly-gaifeng.com/blog/environmentally-friendly-calcium-hydroxide-characteristics.html